We are delighted to have joined forces with The International Tree Foundation to Launch Plantober. Plantober is a month-long campaign encouraging people of all ages to plant and grow native tree seeds through October for future generations to enjoy and to help meet the UK’s net zero goals. 

Theo Michaels, Jenny Tschiesche, Julia Parker, Jason Gibb, Thomasina Miers & Sam Williams, Just a few of the big names supporting #Plantober in 2023.

How Does It Work?

If you would like leaflets for your school or community please click here and we will get them sent out to you so can get more people involved in Plantober.

“Tree seeds are everywhere. Once you get your eye in you’ll start to notice them all around you, on the ground under your feet and above you in the branches”

Sam & Lucy at The International Tree Foundation explain how you can easily join in with #Plantober using everyday household items.

“Before picking your seed, give it a quick check to make sure there are no holes or visible signs of mould. Or you can do the float test, which helps you work out seeds have a better chance of germinating”]]

Lucy at The International Tree Foundation walks through using ‘The Float Test’ to find the perfect seed for planting.

Make A Donation

Your help makes a huge difference and allows us to continue to grow campaigns like #Plantober. Lets make a change together.